Speakers profile
Mr. Rajasekar A
Lead Security Consultant
Expertise in various domains like Network, Web and Mobile, API, Thick client Security.
An experienced Consultant who loves to break into Applications and Networks to demonstrate the security flaws. He is a technology enthusiast loves to learn and exploit new technologies and help the customers to secure their environment from the cyber criminals. He has vast experience in Network, Web and Mobile, API, Thick Client Security domains.
About the Webinar
Detail discussion on Progressive Web Applications and its Architecture, technologies involved in PWA and the security challenges that might inherit along with these technologies. Understanding of PWA Security challenges and its current standards.
Key Takeaways
- PWA and the advancements it is offering
- The Security Challenges that might be possible on the PWA
- The Challenges that might come due to cache storage, IndexedDB and its implications
- The possible vulnerabilities and their impact on the application
- The Security Best Practices to be followed while developing PWA apps