Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration tool but has become a prime target for attackers. Conducting penetration tests in Kubernetes environments simulates attacks to identify vulnerabilities and security gaps. Such testing helps ensure compliance, verifies security controls, and proactively identifies and addresses potential security issues. Penetration testing can identify exposed APIs, misconfigured RBAC, unsecured secrets, insecure container images, and other vulnerabilities. Identifying and addressing such vulnerabilities minimizes the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.
Talk To UsThis is the foundation of Kubernetes security. Regardless of whether the cluster is based on a stand-alone datacenter or a cloud supplier, essential cloud supplier (or actual security) best practices should be maintained.
Code poses a significant assault surface for any Kubernetes environment. Basic strategies, such as TCP encryption utilising TLS handshakes, scanning, not uncovering unused ports, and testing consistently, can help forestall security issues from emerging in an environment of creation.
Some of the best practises for container configurations include beginning with the tiniest code base conceivable (barring superfluous libraries or capacities), trying not to allow pointless advantages to clients in the container, and guaranteeing that the containers are checked for vulnerabilities at the time of fabrication.
Ensuring the security of a Kubernetes cluster includes both configurable segments such as the Kubernetes API and the multitude of utilisations that are important to the cluster. Since most cloud-local applications are planned around microservices and APIs, applications are just as secure as the most vulnerable link in the chain of administration that involves the whole application.
Our internal Kubernetes security testing takes things to a more profound level, viewing your cluster from the inside, reproducing the danger from an aggressor who has either undermined a unit or pod or discovered a certain vulnerability, empowering them to make requests from inside a cluster's pod. There are wide assortment of security problems that can influence a cluster's configuration, even in the latest versions of Kubernetes. A portion of these can bring about a trade-off of the cluster, except if the particular configuration is set up to forestall this scenario.
SecureLayer7's external review zeroes in on Internet-facing administrations and services to evaluate whether they are truly secured and whether any ingress points have been unintentionally uncovered. This may include services like the Kubernetes Dashboard, misconfigured API services, Kubernetes forms that are vulnerable, or, as is quite normal, management of the inward cluster and checking tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or Elasticsearch that have been presented to the Internet without sufficient assurance or protection.
Workload Configuration Vulnerability Identification and Remediation
Implementing centralized policy enforcement mechanisms
Addressing cluster configuration misalignments for security
Enhancing secure handling of sensitive information
Restricting access rights through RBAC configuration
Mitigating risks in the software supply chain
Ensuring proper network isolation and segmentation
Fixing weaknesses in authentication processes
Strengthening logging and monitoring capabilities
Updating and securing Kubernetes components
Assess Your Business For Security Risks