Identify vulnerability, find flags, submit and get hired at SecureLayer7

Become a part of securelayer7

To be a part of SecureLayer7’s growing team you need to have passion, zeal, integrity and can do attitude !!!

Prove your Skills through our Exciting challenges and get an opportunity to work with some renowned Cyber Geeks in this industry & a company who is an international provider of integrated business Information security solutions.


JSEasy1 - WEB

Inspect Element Give a fair idea about .....@#&#

5 Points

A1 - WEB

Are You know me ?

25 Points

as33rt1 - WEB

Can you read Internal files, If yes dan read /flag.txt :)

25 Points

Pattern1 - WEB

Can You PWN me?

25 Points

Token1 - WEB

Only Admin can see the flag :P

35 Points

iknowsecret - WEB

Can You compromise admin account and get flag??

35 Points

LoggedIn - WEB

We can bypass, isn't ?

50 Points

Ground - Crypto

Please Decode this to clear this challenege.

10 Points

Fuc - Crypto

Are You Getting me ?

10 Points

Vcode - Crypto

Decode it: Xw7{AXj_J0U-J0sP}

15 Points

Cencode - Crypto

Bob give us an Encrypted flag and claim his Encryption is unbreakable

20 Points

NetworkBy - Network

Billy forgot his password can you recover it ?

20 Points

NetworkF - Network

Yes! we got the dump, but not the flag :(

25 Points

Input - Programming

Connect Using below details and find me ;)


Math - Programming

Have You done YOur Homework?


Area51 - Forensic

We got some Secret of Area51, can you help me?

15 Points

QRKrack - Forensic

Repair it and prove yourself!

30 Points

s33k3r - IoT

You work at the NSA, and recently there...


JSEasy1 - WEB

Inspect Element Give a fair idea about .....@#&#

5 Points

A1 - WEB

Are You know me ?

25 Points

as33rt1 - WEB

Can you read Internal files, If yes dan read /flag.txt :)

25 Points

Pattern1 - WEB

Can You PWN me?

25 Points

Token1 - WEB

Only Admin can see the flag :P

35 Points

iknowsecret - WEB

Can You compromise admin account and get flag??

35 Points

LoggedIn - WEB

We can bypass, isn't ?

50 Points

Ground - Crypto

Please Decode this to clear this challenege.

10 Points

Fuc - Crypto

Are You Getting me ?

10 Points

Vcode - Crypto

Decode it: Xw7{AXj_J0U-J0sP}

15 Points

Cencode - Crypto

Bob give us an Encrypted flag and claim his Encryption is unbreakable

20 Points

NetworkBy - Network

Billy forgot his password can you recover it ?

20 Points

NetworkF - Network

Yes! we got the dump, but not the flag :(

25 Points

Input - Programming

Connect Using below details and find me ;)


Math - Programming

Have You done YOur Homework?


Area51 - Forensic

We got some Secret of Area51, can you help me?

15 Points

QRKrack - Forensic

Repair it and prove yourself!

30 Points

s33k3r - IoT

You work at the NSA, and recently there...